Saturday, June 26, 2010

Stevens Point route

We did the other part of the figure 8 that makes up the Nekoosa loop in the scenic trails book. I have to say, with the exception of the 20 miles just past Stevens Point, it wasn't anything special as far as scenery. The good miles had some great tree canopies and hills and fields and even some water that we could see.

We did have some really nice roads, and the weather was perfect for riding, so even though there wasn't any spectacular scenery, it was still a great day to be out on the bikes. We saw 2 red wing blackbirds chase a hawk across the highway right in front of us. The hawk could have killed and/or eaten them easily, but chose to be non-confrontational and flew away. Then on the way home we saw a turkey on the side of the interstate. Nothing like seeing a turkey right there when you are going 70 to get your heart going. Good thing the turkey was dumb and just ignored us.

We ate lunch at Bill's Pizza Shop on Main St. in Stevens Point on the way back. Excellent pizza with a unique crust. Very thin and not all nice an neat and perfect on the edges. They were very generous with the toppings as well. A good value for the price. After that, we headed to Waupaca and had ice cream at Scoopers which shares the parking lot with The Wheel House. They have the Cedar Crest line of ice cream and it was delicious as always.

Not sure if we are going riding tomorrow or not, but Monday we plan to head off to the Madison Zoo and maybe hit up State Street for lunch. It's Million Mile Monday so we plan to log some miles!!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Great weekend for riding!

Two great days for riding!

Saturday we went and rode the Kettle Morraine route. Lots of twists & turns and hills. There were some great views from the tops of the hills, great rides through canopies of trees and times where we were riding through columns of enormous pine trees and I had to breathe in deeply to get the whole experience. We also drove along the shores of Lake Michigan and the water had the brightest blue color to it, almost aqua, which made me think of the ocean and now I want to go diving!

We didn't stop anywhere to eat, just leftovers when we got home, so nothing to report there.

Sunday we made a run to Cabela's to look for a rain coat for Ed. We ended up buying a bunch of other stuff instead. The ride was great, no wind, sun most of the time, not a lot of traffic. We ate lunch at the brat fry at Cabela's. It was good for brat fry food.

I'm looking forward to seeing more twists & turns, rollings hills, smelling the smells of the trees and other things growing and blooming. Until the next ride :-)

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Finally a day for riding!!

Ah bike, how I have missed you!!! Somehow the short trips to & from work were just not enough to satiate my riding appetite.

Today we did the southern Door County route. The GPS appeared to once again have its own agenda, but we managed to get through it. On the way we saw some amazing things, a black squirrel, a doe with 2 fawns, beautiful rolling hills in the farmlands and the bay of Green Bay and Lake Michigan. The smells were amazing as well - the peonies and some type of wildflowers were in bloom and when were weren't smelling farm, we got to smell that. We drove through several canopies of trees and through pine groves and that smelled amazing as well since I love the smell of pine trees. It was good to see things growing and to look at the different ways people have landscaped their yards.

We also discovered that not only is our GPS messed up about giving directions, I thought that Ed was kidding when he said we had to turn from Lakeshore Dr. onto Lakeshore Dr. I pulled over and took a picture to prove that the GPS was right!

One surprise was that we ended up at the Sherwood Point lighthouse and it happened to be open today so we got to go up into it and take pictures from inside the part where the light is!

We stopped and had lunch at the Fish n hole in Idlewild and we both had the sandwich & soup. It was a ham & cheese sandwich on wheat (your choice of bread) with 2 kinds of cheese. I had the chicken soup with peppers and Ed had the chili. They said it was real authentic chili made by a real Belgian. It was really good too (I stole a spoonful). We had some white cheddar cheese curds and they brought out ranch to dip them in so I tried it and that was good too! For both meals, appetizer and 2 cans of soda with tip it was $26 which I think was pretty good.

We decided to head back home when the skies started getting dark and after about 7 hours. We ended up with 269 miles on today and we got a little wet the last few miles of the ride but it didn't matter because we were in town and it was basically just a little more than a sprinkle. Hopefully more riding next weekend!!