Monday, June 25, 2012

Riding weekend day 2, June 24

Good day of riding today.  We went around Lake Winnebago to knock some more cities off our list.  We got Fond du Lac, Sheboygan, Kiel, Plymouth, Harris, Chilton and Neenah.

It felt cool when we left, so we both wore jackets, but soon I was sweating my butt off so we took them off and enjoyed the sunshine.  It was a mix of clouds & sun with almost no wind so it was perfect.  There were a few times it looked like we might get rained on but we didn't.  Animal sightings today were pretty much zilch.  We saw a couple of geese with their goslings, otherwise besides the normal birds nothing.  Very uneventful with the exception of an old (antique) Mustang that had no brake lights and decided to stop and turn on the highway and gave us a little heart check, but nothing like the day before.

We stopped at Scoops in Chilton, it was amazing as always.  I had a peanut butter volcano sundae with chocolate ice cream and Ed had a grasshopper sundae.  The place was busy, but not too busy, so we got good service and were able to enjoy our delicious sundaes.

We logged 150 miles on this ride, and we took off to ride Monday too, but we were a little sore from the 2 days in a row so we just vegged at home and went to a movie instead.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Slightly damp ride June 23

Today we headed off to Friendship to knock off another county & city on our list.  Got rid of Adams county  & Friendship from our list.  

Pretty much all the excitement happened on the way to Friendship.  First thing was outside of Princeton the traffic came to a complete and sudden stop.  I think I actually heard Ed's tire squeal.  We'll call that heart check #1.  Heart check #2 came a little while later when some old lady decided that the curve in the highway was optional and came heading straight at us.  That was the last heart check for the day.

Animal sightings for the day were plentiful.  We saw 3 brown cranes and I saw 2 white cranes, possibly whooping cranes.  We also saw 2 deer, 5 turkeys and a woodchuck.  There was also a dive-bombing suicidal bird that went after Ed and many, many brown winged creatures that we couldn't agree if they were butterflies or flying grasshoppers.  They felt a lot like grasshoppers when they hit me, but Ed said he thought they were butterflies.

Just outside of Princeton, we did get rained on for about a half hour, but it wasn't bad, just a light rain that was pretty annoying.

The ride back from Friendship was very uneventful.  We had a great ride with lots of hills and curves in the road.  Not a lot of traffic, and riding back through the hills we did get to  see all the crops growing.  Some of the farmers were irrigating and got a little too close to the road so we got to ride through some very brief fake rain showers.  When we were in the open spots, the birds of prey were soaring looking for a meal.  I always love watching them just glide.

We stopped at the Wheelhouse for a bite to eat and they were having a steak fry and had a band.  We didn't have steak and we sat inside and ate burgers.  It was the best bacon cheeseburger I've had in a while, just the right amounts of everything including grease.

200 miles more put on today, and we are looking forward to riding the next 2 days for H-D World Ride June 24 - 25 and getting some more things knocked off our ABC's of touring list.

Holy Hill ride 6/3

The day started off with a ride halfway around the lake and took us past the spot where the guy plowed into the 10 motorcycles.  There were a bunch of bikes and people on the side of the road paying their respects and I actually felt bad not stopping when we went by.

We rode down to Holy Hill with our friends.  In all the times I/we have driven past Holy Hill, I have never actually gone there.  Technically, I still haven't been there because it was hot and we didn't actually walk up and take in the view - maybe another time.

Then we took a detour to West Bend to get the Harley there off our list and took the scenic route back through the kettle moraine.  It was a great ride and we did about 200 miles. 

Before we headed off to Holy Hill, ,we rode to Fond du Lac and went to Schmitty's Oar House for some lunch.  The food was awesome and HUGE for the price.  We both got a tuna melt and it came with fries.  The burgers were 1/2 pound and came on big square buns.  Definitely a visit again place.

After our ride back through the kettle moraine, we stopped at Kelley Country Creamery.  Amazing and overwhelming wouldn't even cut it.  They had so many flavors and optional ways to eat your ice cream that there is no way this is a one visit place.  Even better, if you sit outside and eat, you can look over the field and see the barn where the cows are that supply the milk for the ice cream.

All in all a great ride with good food and good friends and about 1990 miles on the bike.