Sunday, October 10, 2010

I love Wisconsin weather

Welcome to October in Wisconsin! It was in the 70's all weekend, so we went up through the Menominee Indian reservation and up to the Crivitz area today. 250 miles of sunshine! At one point we crossed over the Wolf River and the water was so calm it looked like 2 mirrors on each side of the bridge reflecting back the images of the trees.

Unfortunately most of the trees had already peaked their colors so they were bare. There were times though when one side of the road had bare trees and the other was full of color. Some spots had beautiful shades of green in the evergreen boughs poking through brilliant yellows, oranges and reds of the remaining leaves. The contrast was breathtaking. The sun was just right through the canopies of yellows and oranges we rode through as well. Some of the trees had such bright red colors it almost looked like they were on fire. All in all, it was an awesome ride. I'm hoping the weather holds out and we can head more south next weekend and that the trees haven't peaked there yet. Mother Nature is showing all her colorful glory in my favorite season of fall. I can't imagine living somewhere where I couldn't see the colors.

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