Sunday, July 25, 2010

Torrential rains have subsided - for now...

We were able to get 2 shorter rides in this weekend since the rain has stopped for at least a couple days. Saturday we went back to the Fond du Lac county park, just to ride through it. They have the funniest pedestrian crossing signs there. It's the regular sign, but instead of saying "ahead" it says "next 2160 feet" and there's another one up father with 1400 something feet on it. I keep meaning to take a picture because it's just so odd. It was a bit cloudy, and a little breezy but there wasn't a lot of traffic on the road for a Saturday afternoon right after lunch. We stopped at Parnell's Place in Oshkosh on our way out of town since we left at noon. The broccoli cheese soup was awesome and the white cheddar cheese curds were good too. The lemonade was pretty sour, and my cheese burger was overcooked and pretty much slimy. It was gross but I was hungry so I ate it. Ed got a turkey club wrap, it was huge but he wasn't impressed with his food either.

Today we went up to High Cliff State Park (that's where the picture was taken). I can't believe I have lived my whole life so close to it and have never been there. It was nice even though it was really warm out today. We didn't walk much since we were dressed for riding and jeans were pretty warm in the 85+ temps. There were a lot of people on the beach and we felt pretty out of place. We decided to take the long way home and rode around Lake Winnebago to get home. It was a really nice sunny day and a pleasant ride without a lot of traffic for the most part. We weren't able to go all the way up to where the best lookouts were because there was some flooding across the roads from the all the rain we've gotten lately. I'd like to go back up there maybe in the fall when it's cooler and I think all the trees changing and the view would be amazing.

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