Monday, March 26, 2012

ABC's of touring, week 2, or is it week 1?

After a not so great start to the contest pictures, this is week 2, but since we have to start over, it's more like week 1.  This week we rode to Beaver Dam to the HD dealer there, then over to Green Lake and back home.

It was only in the low 60's, (still well above normal for this time of year) but I was comfy in my riding gear and especially with the heated hand grips.  I think Ed was enjoying his as well.  We did about 117 miles, had lunch at the Arby's in Beaver Dam and managed to get a couple of pictures.

The scenery was beautiful.  There were rolling hills and fields of green next to fields of golden remains of last year's harvest, and the trees are juuuuust starting to turn green so there were hints of green in the woods along with the brave flowering trees and shrubs that are already in bloom.  I'm still amazed that it's only March, it's almost like everything is a month ahead of time.

My ankle is holding up well at 8 weeks post surgery, I seem to do better if I am just riding and not doing a lot of stopping and starting since it's my brake foot that had the surgery.  I can hardly wait until we can get out consistently and ride!  This weekend doesn't look so good, but that's ok since I have to work on Saturday anyway.  Let it rain ;-)

Until next time...

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