Saturday, July 3, 2010

Mountain ride

Today we rode 232 miles round trip up to Mountain to see someone's cabin. After that, we went to Lakewood and went to the coolest candy store I have ever been in! It was called Sweet Memories and they had ice cream and room after room of candy - every kind of candy - even stuff I haven't seen since I was a kid! They also had cookies, cupcakes, fudge and chocolates. There was a thing where you could make your own giant Pixie Stix. If we had been there in a car, we would have loaded up, but we didn't buy anything because we were on the bikes and were afraid it would melt or get wrecked. If you are ever in the Lakewood area, you HAVE to check this place out.

The ride was great. We drove through part of the Menominee Indian reservation on the way up, and one of the highways we took was mile after mile of 15, 30 and 45 MPH curves. It was great! There was a nice breeze and the sun was out. Got a little color through the sunscreen, but it's all good. We stopped to eat at O'Neil's Halfway Bar back in Mountain on Highway 32. It was good food and generous portions. We both had a cheeseburger and we split some pepper jack cheese curds and I could not finish my burger and we couldn't eat all the curds. Both burgers, the appetizer and 4 cans of soda was $16 which I think is pretty reasonable.

There were lots of bikes on the road today enjoying the great weather too. Hopefully we can get some more riding in this weekend since neither of us has to work until Tuesday!

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