Friday, July 9, 2010

Scavenger hunt day 2

Well, day 2 is done. We rode for almost 4 hours today and we now have a total of 16 of the 31 things done. We visited such titillating places as Borth, Poy Sippi, Red Mill, King, Waupaca, Readfield, Wild Rose, Scandanavia and Winneconne. We actually ran into one other couple doing the scavenger hunt today at Ding's Dock and one other stop.

The ride was fun. There were lots of cool things that we saw. We had to slow way down for a large crane that couldn't decide if it was going to cross the road or if it would go back in the field, then when we were on our way home, there were 3 or 4 deer that crossed the road not too far ahead of us so we were pretty cautious driving through there.

At one point, we were coming back into town and there was a huge farm with lots of barn red buildings and 3 silos. The sun was almost set so the pink hue from the setting sun really accentuated the color of all the buildings. I'm sure Ed didn't notice - it's a girl thing.

We didn't stop anywhere to eat because we wanted to get home before it was totally dark. Tomorrow is going to be a really, really long day on the road to get the rest of the stuff done. We may have to do it in parts so we can come back to let the dogs out so they aren't waiting too long to go out. Wish us luck - we are going to need our iron buns tomorrow!

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