Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Headsets, Mother nature is a B%&ch!!

Well, the company we bought the headsets from replaced the bad Bluetooth piece and the charger, no questions asked, all we had to do was send the bad ones in and they sent new ones.

We ordered a second set of headphones and receivers, but since the weather has been so crappy and cold, and there has been so much severe weather, we have decided to take the convertible to Florida instead of the bikes. It should save us at least 2 days of travel time, and at least we can put the top down once we get to the warmer climate. It's not going to be the same as the bikes, but there's always next year right?

I haven't even been able to ride to work between the cold and the rain. A week ago today we had a blizzard, and then today it was almost 60 and raining. Man I really hate Wisconsin sometimes. Hopefully by the time we get back from vacation we will have some better riding weather!

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