Tuesday, April 13, 2010

My bike is fixed, now where are those dang headsets???

After some brief frustration because poor Travis up at HD Appleton couldn't recreate the problem, I went to get my bike, and talked to him and I explained to him what happened to me when I was riding and he said he would check one more thing and that was the ticket - the throttle handle was actually broken and had to be replaced! It turns out that the 6th gear thing was purely coincidence.

I guess it was good to have that face to face contact. I couldn't take the bike up and my wonderful hubby dropped it off for me, and I explained the best I could over the phone, but I think being there and showing him what happened did the trick. My bike is good as new again and now it's just waiting for some warm non-gale force wind days to get riding. Oh yeah - the black satin flame levers look AWESOME!!!

Now, for the headsets - we ordered some half helmet bluetooth headsets from imcmoto.com and are (im)patiently awaiting their arrival. Other people have gotten theirs in a few days, but we ordered ours last Thursday and they haven't even shipped yet! I e-mailed the company today since I couldn't reach them by phone, and they assured me that they would ship out tomorrow. It will be nice to not have to wait for stop signs to talk, especially after last weekend when I had the throttle problems on the freeway. As soon as they come and we get a chance to play with them I will blog about them as well.

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